Friday started out with me having to do some running around and getting ready for the upcoming night. It was finally time for the festivities. The turnout wasn't as good as last year's pre-no way show but it was still good. Most of the pictures taken didn't turn out good. I was having trouble getting in a good place to take pictures where i wouldn't be wrecked by big john.
The night started off with double negative. They started out with the jacket which basically involved kevin just screaming and them coming into it. It was awesome. They played a short but killer set including lots of great new songs and ending on the devastating song saturation tank.
Next up was brain handle. The rumors about this band are true. They are some of the weirdest people I have met in a while. And they played a killer set. Lots of energy. Lots of crazy between song banter. Only one good picture.
Random Girl - "What's the name of this band?"
Ed from Brain Handle - "We're Lifetrap. No really we're Barn Candle."
Tooth and Claw played next.
Lifetrap showed up late and finished off the show with a very fast very brief set of pure intensity.
Sadly I had allready put away my camera.
After the show it was off to cosmic cantina where we basically filled most of the place and then back to my place where way too many people were staying and basically taking whatever section of floor they could find.
The next morning everyone got up and got their shit together and we headed out the door. Brain Handle went off to whole foods for some nourishment while lifetrap were up for some cookout. After cookout everyone kind of went their ways..... to the same place.
We got to the fest to find that there wasn't the line there was the year before. After some wandering around we finally ran inside to grab some records (the direct control LP sold out before the doors were even open) and to grab a spot for the Sorry State Distro and the 50 logic problem test presses.
First up was Empty Grave. They were pretty good. Played a much tighter set than when I last saw them. Have some fine tuning to do but are on their way.
I missed the next couple bands due to running the Sorry State booth and also trying to find some food. I did get to catch Bad Reaction doing an awesome cover of Creatures by the Adolescents.
PMRC and Total Abuse both had to cancel so up next was Brain Handle. This set blew the set from the night before out of the water. It started off with a 5-10 minute rant while equipment was trying to be fixed. Mind blowing stuff was said. Great heckling from the crowd was also going on. Finally everything got fixed and they were off. The whole time the crowd was bombarding the band with beer cans, bottles, and anything else they could pick up and throw. The band also assaulted each other while playing, hitting and kicking each other while being hit with flying objects.
Next was Warkrime. I think Brace knew that it was going to be hard to top how Brain Handle started out their set. He spent the intro sitting on a guitar cabinet on the side of the stage just swinging the microphone waiting to start. Once their set started it was just crazy. Watching the drummer play just makes me sick. Of course more great stage banter about drugs, cigarettes and "This is about a relationship WITH BOMBS".
Time To Escape i think played before brain handle. (it's hard to remember the order off the top of my head). Definately the best set I have seen them play so far. Nicktape, who you might know from such bands as Coke bust, filled in on bass. Lots of talk of the south rising again and Parson's being hit with beer cans.
Lifetrap's set was again better than the one the night before. Longer and more blistering.
Direct control. Fuck. This is the first time I've seen them since Dennisfest so it was highly anticipated. They started off and ripped through maybe three songs and then they went into War All the Time and the place blew up. Suddenly people were just flying everywhere and the energy in the room remained for the rest of the set, even into the outro. Not as monumental as the set last year but pretty close.
Annihilation time was everything you'd ever want them to be. Straying away from the newer songs and sticking with the hits they played a wild set. Things were being thrown and broken and everyone was going wild. The singer took the end of a mic stand and proceeded to beat it on the stage. Finally someone threw a giant fan on the stage which proceeded to be destroyed and then thrown into the crowd who after destroying it some more threw it back on stage where a beer was poured onto it and then the bottle was thrown at it in an attempt to break it. After three attempts of trying to break the bottle on the fan it was finally just shattered on the stage eventually resulting in blood and lots of it. Their set was pure destruction while still being able to maintain their composure and rip out song after song.
After an announcement about not breaking things Career Suicide got up stage. Well kind of. It's hard to explain what actually happened in the first couple minutes of their set. They started playing while this older guy who seemed to definately be french-canadian from his accent sang the lyrics (well tried to) to should i stay or should i go by the clash. It definately sounded more like a lounge singer singing it. Finally they decided that it was enough of that and their singer rushed on stage and they broke into "You Call This a Life?" one of my favorite songs. They went through an increadibly sloppy but good set ending with quarantined in which it was just a rush of people stage diving. Of course they came out for their usual encore of Todd Killings.
Out cold was intense. It was great to see them. Not much to say about the set. Most of the crowd had sadly left, but it was more so their loss. Everything about their set was completely on though.
The afterparty was kind of crazy. Tons of people just standing outside someone's house. And then finally the cops coming... well two cops... they looked like they had no clue what to do about this many people. We decided it was a good time to find a place to sleep when the cops got there, we apparently missed out on moped jumps over a fire and other crazy things.
I have errands to run now but will make a post about the second day later.
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