So I decided that since i have for the most part no contact with the outside world and a majority of the people i know and would occasionaly refer to with that special F word, that i would start a blog, mostly to keep people (including myself) up to date with what is going on in my life or lack there of. Nothing too horribly complex. As for now I must finish up my presentation on how W E B Dubois is an uncredited founding figure in the development of the field of criminology and how his theories forshadowed some of the major criminilogical theories that are still used today. Enthralling i know.... i'm sure that sentance put everyone to sleep. Atleast my presentation for tomorrow is easier and more relevant to people's lives (well if you're not a history/sociolgy nerd). Pretty much my presentation tomorrow is about how black people and other minorities are underrepresented in tv commercials and often portrayed in a more negative light. I honestly can't wait till next week when i have papers due instead of presentations. I am definately much better at writing than at speaking.
Ok that's it for now.
Listening to:
999-punk singles 77-80
Wohnlandschaft Boxspring
4 years ago